Why Does My Lawn Mower Fail?

What Is The Problem With My Lawn Mower? + How To Fix It

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It can be frustrating to have problems with your lawnmower. It can be frustrating to hear that loud bang and then wonder why it suddenly stops working.

You might feel alarmed or scared by the sound. We have created a guide to help you feel better and understand why your lawn mower is not working.

What Causes Lawn Mower Backfiring?

There are many reasons your mower may fail to work properly. Knowing these causes is crucial in order to find the best solution. Although it won’t directly affect your engine, it can cause damage to the exhaust system.

Bad gasoline, damaged sparkplugs and a mishandled carburetor are all common reasons. Backfires can also occur when the engine is turned off or shut down.

We will explain the possible causes and how to fix it.

What Happens If It Backfires?

If your lawn mower’s engine is roaring, it is likely that the gas is not being ignited in the normal combustion chamber. Backfiring can occur at different times, such as when you try to start the engine while it is running or when it turns off.

You must keep an eye on any backfires. This will help you determine the cause and the best way to fix it.

Lawn mowers are small internal combustion engines. They operate at high temperatures which can cause them to tip over easily. High temperatures can cause problems with the air intake. It is best to clean the filter regularly and increase the airflow.

Issue 1: Lawn Mowers Backfire And Won’t Start

The problem may be with your engine timing if your mower is having difficulty starting. The flywheel can cause it to backfire, so make sure you check it. Damaged flywheels are a common cause of lawnmower engines backfiring.

It is inevitable that parts will wear over time. Flywheel breakage can occur if the mower is accidentally struck by a rock or hard object, which will cause shears to your flywheel.

You can check this by disassembling the mower and looking for sheared keys. The key should match that of the crankshaft’s keyway hole, but the timing of the engine will be affected by sheared keys. This causes synced spark plugs, and engine valves.


A replacement flywheel is the best option for a damaged flywheel. You should inspect the crankshaft condition and check the rest of your flywheel for cracks or damage. These two critical parts are essential and should be replaced.

Issue #2: Lawn Mowers Backfire While In Use Or Running

Is your lawnmower suddenly crashing in the middle of an operation? Check your carburetor. If your carburetor is too rich or too lean, it can cause problems.

The carburetor’s job is to evenly distribute air and pump the same fuel mixture for proper combustion. However, lawnmowers that have too much air or too little fuel will backfire.


Adjust the carb to ensure the correct amount of fuel is being delivered to the engine. You may need professional assistance. We highly recommend that you hire a qualified technician.

They can determine the correct air mixture and recommend other fixes.

Issue #3: Lawn Mowers Backfiring When Turning It Off

Backfiring can also occur just as you are about to turn the switch off. This can cause panic and make it difficult to sleep.

Our experts conducted a few experiments to find that lawnmower backfires often occur when you force your mower to run at maximum speed, then suddenly bring it to a halt.

As if you were running, you will hear your heart beats a lot faster than normal. This is what happens to your machine when you do this. Even when the engine is at a halt, the fuel will continue to flow.

Backfiring can also happen when the muffler heats up and then sparks with unburned gasoline vapor. This causes the bang sound.

When the engine speeds increase during operation, it can pump gas into the mower’s muffler. Overheating the engine could cause the gas to ignite, causing a backfire.

If you don’t shut off your engine immediately, the fuel pump continues to pump and ignites the engine. Overheating the engine can cause your mower to backfire. This is due to a lack of airflow.


You can avoid engine backfires by slowly decreasing your engine speed before you turn off your machine. The engine speed can be slowed gradually to ensure excess fuel doesn’t get through the exhaust system and increase airflow.

Many mowers come with shut-off valves. However, they are not recommended for use when turning off an engine at full throttle. This can cause fuel to pump and ignite the engine.

Issue #4: Lawn Mower Backfiring After It’s Turned Off

Can backfiring still occur even if the lawnmower has been turned off? In this instance, unfortunately, the answer is yes. Sometimes lawnmower backfires can occur even after turning off the machine. The culprit is usually the carburetor or the muffler.

Engine backfiring can occur if any of these are not correctly adjusted or the muffler has a defective construction.

The wrong type of gasoline could also be a reason for lawnmower fires after turning off. You should not use gasoline with high alcohol content as it can cause backfire. Alcohol ignites differently.


This can be fixed by adjusting the carburetor or muffler to correct this problem. These two components should be prioritized. If you think the problem is gasoline, switch to a gas with a lower alcohol content. A gas with less alcohol would be better.

Other Issues

Other than the obvious problems, there may be other issues that could cause your machine to malfunction.

These include a compromised exhaust or faulty engine speed, damaged combustion rooms, and non-working anti-backfire equipment.

Gas Of Low Quality Or Bad Quality

Contrary to common belief, all gas works the same. This doesn’t mean you can use small engines to get any gas.

There are many types of gas. One problem that could be causing your mower to malfunction is the fuel you use to power it. There are ethanol-containing gas options, but it is not recommended for lawn mowers.

As it is more efficient, we recommend using premium gas without ethanol. This will help you avoid any problems.

Gas with water can cause engine damage and backfires. A high-ethanol gas can also ignite more easily, which can lead to backfires.


You should check the content of the gas you are using. If the fuel has a high level of ethanol, it is time to get rid of it and buy a new one. You can try to restart the machine using new gas.

Spark Plugs That Are Damaged Or Defective

For combustion to occur, your lawnmower engine needs a spark. A spark plug that is not properly maintained or damaged will prevent sparks from being generated. This can cause combustion problems and backfiring.

The spark plug is one the most important components of your lawnmower engine. It’s likely that it will deteriorate over time. It can be weakened by carbon buildup and gunk, which will result in weaker sparks.


Check to make sure your spark plugs work properly. If you find any dirt or debris, clean it with a wire brush.

It is better to replace the ignition key immediately if it is damaged or shows signs of wear. This will ensure you avoid a mistimed ignition.

Engine Problems

The engine must be synchronized and the combustion chamber should run smoothly. Motor timing could be causing an engine to ignite fuel while the intake valves are still open. This can lead to backfires.

This can disrupt the timing of the engine and cause problems with the valve if it happens repeatedly. The hot combustion chamber can cause engine damage, which could lead to incomplete combustion.


Perform an engine tune up to restore your engine’s timing settings. This will align your valves so that they open and close correctly, while also preventing fuel from being burned.

Use Special Equipment To Avoid Backfires

As an extra precaution against backfires, some mowers come with special parts. These parts are called anti-after solenoids and allow you to shut the engine down at any speed with no fuel leaking into the muffler.

A professional will be required to help you troubleshoot a defective solenoid. You should add a licensed repair facility in your directory.


Can a backfire cause damage to the mower’s motor?

An engine damage can result from a backfire due to a fuel problem. Your engine may still fail if it is not aligned correctly or if there is too much fuel.

The engine can be damaged if the mixture of air and fuel ignites outside the engine’s cylinders. If the fuel is too light, the gas will have excess air, which can cause incomplete combustion.


If your lawn mower has a problem, it will automatically make you think that something is wrong. Even if the engine is small, you will think that you need a professional.

You can either take it to a professional, or you can try it yourself. But you must understand why your lawn mower is backfiring by looking at when it happened.